Longitude / Latitude = 51.532427N 3.444927W
CQ Zone 14 ITU Zone 27
WAB Square: SS98
QRA Locator = IO81GM
I am originally from Gravesend, Kent (UK) – I am now retired and live with my wife in a small village called Llanharan which is an old mining community, near Llantrisant – South Wales - UK.
I originally got my interest in radio from my Dad who was a wireless (CW) operator in WWII flying in Lancaster Bombers.
I was a Short Wave Listener (SWL) for many years smuggling a de-tuned MW Transistor Radio into school to listen to local skeds on 160 meters which included G5VZ – Bill5, G4XF - Bill4, G3GAX – Mac, G3EGJ – Reg, G3YUP – Norman, G3OXH – Keith etc. – not to mention the ‘Pirates’ nattering away just above 2 MHz at the weekend !!!
I Successfully took the City & Guilds Radio Amateurs Examination in 1974 and passed the PO Morse test soon after – Morse tuition was provided by Dave Lawley – G4BUO and Reg Holland – G3BPE (SK)
I received my ‘Class A’ licence G4DVB on the 7th February 1975
My first real receiver was the UNR 40 which enable me to explore my hobby further, followed by an ex-military (WWII) R107 receiver
My first amateur set up was an old ex-Navy receiver (B40) and a KW Vespa transmitter.
I was member of Gravesend Amateur Radio Society which used to meet in a smokey back room of the Windmill Pub – Gravesend – G3HLF (SK), G2TN (SK) , G8GGP / M0AFJ, G3OXH (SK), G4BUO, G4CHL, G4DSN (SK) , G3ZQF, G3YUP, G4ALD, G4BCH, G4FJW.. to name a few.
I am currently the Chairman of Aberkenfig & District Amateur Radio Club which meets every Wednesday evening at the Tondu Railway Canteen, Station Approach, Tondu, Bridgend. CF32 9DY. - 19:00 thru 21:00
My station currently comprises the Yaesu FTDX101D SDR Transceiver, KPA500 Linear Amplifier feeding 135ft wire matched via a LDG Tuner (via a 4:1 UnUn).
I also use a Yaesu FT-991A on 10m (C4FM), 2 m and 70 cm - I also use it combined with a 10 metre (fishing rod) Vertical antenna with radials for the occasional 'Vacation DXpedition'.