Saint Kitts and Nevis
Longitude / Latitude 17°17′30″N - 62°41′07″W
CQ Zone = 08 - IOTA NA-104
ITU Zone 11 - Loc FK87PH

Calypso Bay Resort - Calypso Bay, aka Potato Bay
31st December 2024 thru 6th January 2025
Sadly, the island I normally operate from in the Caribbean (Palm Island - St. Vincent) was completely wiped out by Hurricane Beryl.. I therefore started looking for another place to operate from. Luckily enough I was contacted by John V47JA - W5JON who offered his holiday rental in St. Kitts, which comes complete with a FTDX3000D and a range of antennas !
Saint Kitts is 23 miles (37 km) long and 5 miles (8 km) wide, is oval in shape, and has an area of 68 square miles (176 square km). A volcanic mountainous ridge down the centre forms a semicircle around a plain in the southeast. Mount Liamuiga (formerly Mount Misery), with a lake in its forested crater, is the highest point (3,792 feet [1,156 metres)
I will be operating from Calypso Bay (aka Potato Bay). Just a short walk away is a stairway down to the Caribbean beach which is great for sunbathing and snorkelling, but is rarely used. The Caribbean Sea is mostly calm, but the Atlantic Ocean is only 1 mile away, having white sandy beaches and the ocean waves.
73 Brian – GW4DVB - J88PI - V25GB - V4/G4DVB
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